SOOZ-NEWS -- Travel updates and Prayer Requests

Welcome to Sooz-News, where you can get stories and pictures of my mission trip travels, my East Austin ministry at Mission Possible, and prayer requests.
In order to get the full story of how God pulled me out of advertising to take me on this adventure with Him, you should check out my first post dated Dec. 29, 2007.
Peace, love & joy to all,

Friday, January 18, 2008



I'm finalizing my packing right now and loading up my dad's truck (he left it down here for me and took his Corolla up to Dallas, the car I had been using since I sold my SUV). I hope to hit the road for Dallas by 8:30 tonight. Please pray for my safety on the road, since it's kinda freezing raining out, and I am not the best driver in that huge Chevy Silverado. It scares me when they have those cement walls on the highway...I always feel like I'm going to hit them, and in the truck I know I will be white-knuckling it, feeling like I am wider than the actual lane.

My flight leaves from DFW tomorrow at 3:05pm, so I'll leave my parents house around 12:30 for the airport. I can't believe tonight is my last night in the great U.S. of A. for nine weeks, or possibly ten. I might maybe possibly be adding on an extra week in India at the end. My old best friend from jr. high in Chicago, Johnna, who now lives in Brooklyn, just so happens to be traveling in India exactly when I am. We connected when I visited NYC two years ago after not having seen each other for about 10 years, and then this spring she visited Austin on a work photo shoot. She and all her stylist friends even joined me at the Broken Spoke and totally loved it! Imagine a big group of NYC fashion people at the Spoke...they actually fit right in, which is why I so love that place with all my heart. For me, the Broken Spoke is a metaphor for the human desire to find God. We're all a little broken, but we still gotta make the wheel go round on the journey of life, so while we're here we try to find places where we can find a sense of community, belonging, and love. A place where we can forget about the world's troubles and feel the pure joy of being alive. That's how I feel on a good night at the Spoke, twirling around the dance floor. The owner James White says, "we ain't changed a thing yet, and we ain't never gonna!" Kind-of like the one God Almighty, who never changes. He's the Alpha and Omega and his Word is the same throughout the ages.

If you spend any amount of time on my blog you'll see that I love coming up with coming up with analogies. Some are a stretch, but I think my Broken Spoke analogy is perty darn good. You either get it or you don't, kinda like the Spoke!

More on my India plans as details unfold. I gotta get back to packing!!!

Rots of ruv,

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