SOOZ-NEWS -- Travel updates and Prayer Requests

Welcome to Sooz-News, where you can get stories and pictures of my mission trip travels, my East Austin ministry at Mission Possible, and prayer requests.
In order to get the full story of how God pulled me out of advertising to take me on this adventure with Him, you should check out my first post dated Dec. 29, 2007.
Peace, love & joy to all,

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Prayers Answered - Rats and Renters

Just a quick post to say praise God for a couple big things!

1) The seemingly perfect renter has come my way! He and his wife are moving here from Seattle. They are empty-nesters with three grown kids. They even had a glowing letter of recommendation from their current landlord in Seattle!
NEW PRAYER REQUEST - I will need the help of 100 angels (and friends!) to get my whole place packed up in ONE WEEK before I go. Pray for many hands to help and for my sanity to stay in tact with such quick logistics happening.

2) The rat problem is being handled quickly and painlessly. Because I have recessed lighting they were able to use those holes to put the traps in the ceiling, instead of having to bust holes in the drywall...yay!! That's a huge relief. I was stressed about getting holes fixed in a way that looked like nothing had ever happened. They baited the traps last night without setting them, just to make the little monsters take the bait without fear. They came back this morning and sure enough, all the bait had been eaten! So, they rebaited and set the traps. Ahhhhh, DIE SUCKERS! Normally I'm a big animal lover, but in this case not so much! I found out that the source of the problem is two units down where they are still doing construction on the roof and had a hole where they were getting in, so they were able to run along the attick into my walls. Supposedly that hole has been patched up, so there shouldn't be ongoing problems.

Thank you for your continued prayers!

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